Dabster Engineering for Bank of Italy

The cooperation between our company and the Verona headquarters of the central bank of the Italian Republic has recently been renewed in order to supervise ordinary and extraordinary maintenance in one of the most prestigious protected historical buildings in the centre of Verona: palazzo Portalupi.

For another year, our technical staff will oversee all maintenance activities in the palace, both mechanical and electrical systems, as well as ordinary building and fire prevention maintenance.

“As consultants, we also have the task of overseeing all aspects of the building, going, if necessary, to propose improvements or necessary interventions,” explained Marco Rossi, founding partner of Dabster and official consultant of the Bank of Italy. “The objectives of our work are to conserve the building and make the systems more efficient, also in view of energy savings, with the aim of maintaining high quality levels and not having any shortcomings in the performance of the branch’s tasks. Intervening on technological installations also means taking into account the health and safety of workers and workplace safety, another aspect that we follow directly”.
A collaboration of great prestige, but also of great responsibility and special attention, given the historical nature of the context. Another challenge that Dabster Engineering has won in the field!